Application Form
collect your facts together
adopt a positive attitude
identify the selector's requirements
Communicate effectively
pre-empt the thoughts of the reader
blow your own trumpet, without going over the top
make most things relevant to the job
Do yourself justice
show positive commitment
use a good presentation and style
offer evidence of claims you make
Curriculum Vitae
Contents of a good CV
type on white A4 paper
present information in the way you want
highlight your strengths
make it interesting
be positive and to the point
be selective
include personal details, education, qualifications, training, hobbies and interests
include two referees
The covering letter
always include one
present it well – first impressions count
write directly to the person dealing with the application
check spelling and grammar
The Interview
Before the interview
do some homework on the company
review your reasons for applying
write out a list of questions
check you travel arrangements
check what you want to wear
The purpose of the interview
it gives the selector a chance to assess you
it gives you a chance to assess them
it lets you show the positive aspects of your personality
First impressions
make a good impression right from the start
be open, honest and friendly
During the interview
illustrate your answers
take control
anticipate questions
put your experiences in a positive light